Fees for MBA academic Year 2024-25

Category Interim Tuition Fee
Open Rs. 93000
Open (EBC / EWS) Male  –  Rs. 52032
Female  –  Rs. 11063
OBC* Male  –  Rs. 52032
Female  –  Rs. 11063*
SEBC Male  –  Rs. 52032
Female  –  Rs. 11063
SC / ST Rs. 0
VJ/ NT/ SBC Rs. 11063

1. Category wise scholarship will be given to the students admitted through Centralized
Admission Process (CAP)
2. OBC* Female student if the GR sanctioned by the SWO office otherwise %0% of tuition fees
3. Examination fees will be decided as per Savitribai Phule Pune University.
4. FRA Approval of fees for year 2024-25  (Click on below link)
